
MINREC "Newspeak" think speak with BB unplus Leader, Brother Cheney

BB unplus Leader on Victory MagazineBB heir apparent on latest edition of party INGSOC plusmanditory read magazine. Collective speak with brother MINREC press worker on newyear BB and Inner Party agenda.

Inner and Outer Party elections November for High and Lower committees. Outer Party predicts plus seats in Lower committee.

Inner Party's now agenda is reaction meetings to BB speak of latest four year thoughtcrime reduction plan and new MINILOVE High justice Brother Alito, for old High justice Sister O'Connor. Plan think meetings for plus agree on plusfirm terms of latest INGSOC priorities. High committee closed official meetings for year with INGSOC plan current monthsplus 6. Plus affirmation and Higher and Lower committee plusacknowlege meetings for INGSOC plan, thoughtcrime reduction meetings, and new MINILOVE justice decision meetings will plusstart with committees in weeksplus 3.

MINITRUE acknowledge plus thanks to CensureBush.org (After Downing Street) for MINREC party magazine cover.

BB think speak on successor: Plusgood Brother of Inner Party, and doubleplusgood respect to Oceania.

Translation: I just love the magazine covers that have come out in the last few days, along with the articles and videos (Ignorant Hussy) in the MAINSTREAM media on BB's and Darth's most recent fuckups. I'll set up a poll within the next few days on "Who should sit in the Big Chair if the R's in both houses pull their heads out of their fifth point of contact (where the sun doesn't shine) or Cranial Rectal Extraction procedure, and vote for what is right, and not the party line or loyalty."